The Art of Art
Waiting to Blossom.....
art blog colourful art contemporary australian art painting blog statement art still life still life painting vibrant art
Sarah Walker

Exploring people and how they view themselves
art blog Art lovers colourful art statement art
Sarah Walker

After these last 18 months or so of exploring abstracts, I find myself frustrated to the dickens with this genre!! I love colour, but I've also discovered I desire some sort of concrete object to paint, regardless of whether it's from my imagination or not, to help express what I'm wanting to put colour to. I've done this for a few years now with my fruit paintings. Symbolically used the fruit to depict various emotions, ideas, concepts, and experiences. I thought that maybe I could go without an object and get the same result purely with colour, but I didn't...
Learning to Unlearn
art blog Art lovers contemporary australian art painting blog vibrant art
Sarah Walker

The art of healing
art blog Art lovers arts queensland Christianity colourful art contemporary australian art healing art kintsugi life painting blog statement art still life painting vibrant art
Sarah Walker

How to choose your art
art blog Art lovers arts queensland colourful art contemporary australian art painting painting blog vibrant art
Sarah Walker