The Art of Art — still life

Waiting to Blossom.....

Sarah Walker art blog colourful art contemporary australian art painting blog statement art still life still life painting vibrant art

Waiting to Blossom.....

Life imitating art, or the other way around, whichever it is, it's making me a better artist and a better person as I learn to embrace the wait.

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The symbolism of death

Sarah Walker art blog Christianity colourful art contemporary australian art death painted music skull art statement art still life still life painting vibrant art

The symbolism of death

Death to death!
The continuance of painting my way through the fear of death in my 'Still life Still death' series. Thank God for winning this one!

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Everything Dies.....

Sarah Walker Christianity colourful art death heaven life mortality statement art still life still life painting things that keep you awake

Everything Dies.....

Explorations of the tension between death and life, the ginormous subject I'm tackling for my latest painting series. Get a coffee, and let's face mortality, just for something different!

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